Including the pesticide in the paint to fight malaria

An article in Bloombergbusinessweek (May 21, 2012) describes a microcapsule technology to embed pesticides in paint developed by Inesfly Africa – a Spanish company. The technology embeds a mix of pesticides in microcapsules and releases them slowly – thus decreasing drug resistance while preventing the ingredients from interacting. The goal of the company is to produce in Ghana, this lowering costs and increasing the availability of the paint. Given the longer life cycle of this paint – two to four years – how should the costs be subsidized to enable adoption ? The company now aims to produce at a profit and donate its profits for humanitarian efforts rather than donating the paint – do you accept that logic as encouraging more adoption and impact ? Given the reluctance in using treated bednets, will this technology enable more widespread adoption and thus a greater success in decreasing malaria, dengue fever etc ?

About aviyer2010

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